It's the end of April and this part of Canada has, in the past few months, experienced winter, spring and summer. We have certainly needed the moisture to prevent drought again. Easter weekend I was able to help some friends with branding, though my task was not the actual branding. It was good to be out in the fresh air and sunshine, with friends, and nephew Brad.
The photo above is, of course, not cattle. This is part of a herd of buffalo in southeastern Alberta. The first time I took some photos of buffalo on this ranch, it was -35C with a fresh blanket of snow on the ground. The owner suggested I stand about 10 feet away from a line of feed he'd dropped along the ground. He said it would be a great photo and he assured me the buffalo would not come any closer. This humble photographer stood alone, camera aimed at the horizon, as the buffalo came charging over the hill and right up to the line of feed. I gasped a few frozen breaths as I snapped a dozen shots. Several times over the past 10 years or so, I have taken a few more photos including one occasion when I got to wander among the herd. This new photo has been adjusted through the wonders of AdobePhotoshop. I hadn't planned on playing with it, but this is the result of a couple of tweaks.